

IronCAD Video Basics!

3D Bi-Directional
Constraint Solver 

If you’re just getting started or evaluating the IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite, seeing it in action is the easiest way to get oriented and begin to grasp its revolutionary potential when it comes to engineering productivity and seamless collaboration. Watch these CAD videos for an introduction to its unique features.

The IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite — a complete range of CAD programs designed around core 3D modeling software IRONCAD — to optimize your engineering team’s design process, effortlessly move between 3D and 2D, and support seamless collaboration throughout your organization and beyond.

The Single Model Environment vs Part Inserting and Constraining!

I have to note when you design in a single model environment constraining is not required. You design in context or top down, using features of mating parts to create the new parts.

If you are interested in more information please give me a call or send an email

Joe Brouwer 206-842-0360 or joe@tecnetinc.com

3D Bi-Directional Constraint Solver  

New improvements have been made to the 3D Constraint solver to aid users in positioning and modifying connected components. Dimensional constraints between parts and assemblies are now fully bi-directional meaning that either object is free to move in order to solve the desired positional change as you would expect in the real world between objects.

 In order to help determine which component should move, controls and default behaviors have been added to support a preferred move setting. This preferred moving object will move as long as it is free to move and is not fixed in the degrees of freedom by other objects.

Advance setting are supported to allow objects within assemblies to move based on positional changes of objects outside of the assembly. This capability is powerful when objects within the assembly group change position with respect to other objects that don't necessarily belong to the same assembly which is often the case in mechanisms.

Constraints added in the previous versions of the application will remain and solve in the existing method to maintain the existing behavior (which will be denoted on the annotations).

More IronCAD Basics Videos

TECH-NET IronCAD Training

What makes IronCAD the very best conceptual design system?

Five Functions that Increase 3D CAD Productivity!!

1. Single Model Environment
2. The only Integrated History/Direct Edit Modeling
3. Copy/Paste Parts/Assembles from other files.
4. Drag and Drop Design from Standard/Custom Catalogs
5. The Incredible Triball

For more information or to download IronCAD

Self-Paced Training Guide - Introduction

IronCAD now offers an annual rental option: $1,500.00  

TECH-NET Engineering Services!

We sell and support IronCAD and ZW3D Products and
provide engineering services throughout the USA and Canada!

 Why TECH-NET Sells IronCAD and ZW3D

If you are interested in adding professional hybrid modeling capabilities or looking for a new solution to increase your productivity, take some time to download a fully functional 30 day evaluation and play with these packages. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or would like an on-line presentation.