I finally had an opportunity to utilize IRONCAD/INOVATE's kinematics capabilities. I was hired by Steve Smith from 5 Star product Development to work with him on his Adaptive Bike Product. As you can see there is a braking mechanism and we had to make sure there was adequate movement. I constrained the four-bar linkage and I ran it through its motions. I was surprise to see that there was an interference I previously was not aware of, when I did a static evaluation in CADKEY.
If you have mechanisms to evaluate kinematics is a must. IRONCAD/INOVATE offer this incredible capability in an easy and fun to use CAD system. INOVATE ($1,270.00) is not only a great add-on product for non-history based CAD packages, but for any other CAD system that doesn't offer an easy to use kinematics, animation, history based, direct editing hybrid modeling or realistic rendering. IronCAD offers direct translators for all of the currently popular CAD packages and neutral formats and can work with any solid model as if it was created in IronCAD/Inovate!
I just had an opportunity to help a tool design customer with a Boeing part. It was a long piece that was part of the wing. They wanted to align it to two tooling pins and a face. With IronCAD constraints it was a 2 minute exercise.
Give me a call and I can give you a gotomeeting demonstration of this great product or go to for a 30 day fully functional evaluation.
The rendering on the left is the assembly of the Adaptive Bike, The right is the results of the kinematic study.
So what does INOVATE or IRONCAD offer.
The same incredible interface plus CREATIVE DESIGN!!
As you review and implement IronCAD Compose in your organization take a look at IronCAD/INOVATE to add an incredible functionality to your CAD capabilities.
INOVATE – a modeling only package that has both constrained and free form history plus direct editing integrated into the program, can add complete design and editing capabilities to your CAD capabilities at a very reasonable price. If you add TRANS you can bring parts directly from your Pro/E, NX, Catia 4/5, Solidworks and Inventor in and edit them as if they were created in INOVATE. You can import/export all the standard formats including Catia 4 and 5.
1. Full Drag 'n Drop Feature based Solid modeling. 2. Tri-ball feature locating (move, copy, link, patterns - absolutely incredible) 3. Local feature editing (converts hole & blends etc. to Intellishapes). 4. Complete sketch modeling. 5. Realistic Rendering, able to view different formats in the same file. 6. Easy to use Animation. 7. Reads/writes all formats plus Catia 4. Pro/E available for $300.00. 8. History based solid modeling. 9. Handle driven features. 10. Feature Recognition & Conversion to Intelligent features (Hybrid Modeling) 11. Direct Face Modeling
IronCAD adds the following!
1. Fully associated detail and assembly drawings 2. Automated Bill of Materials. 3. Advanced Intellishape properties 4. Complete Sheet Metal design. 5. Full assembly modeling in one database with ability to link outside parts.
For more information on INOVATE and IronCAD. Please visit our newsletter series: Leverage Your Engineering Data throughout your Organization! Leverage Your Engineering Data - Sales, Publication and Marketing Leverage Your Engineering Data - Manufacturing Checking, Design Review, Manufacturing and Data Extraction Simplifying Your Design Process We sell and support IronCAD and ZW3D Products and provide engineering services throughout the USA and Canada! If you are interested in adding professional hybrid modeling capabilities or looking for a new solution to increase your productivity, take some time to download a fully functional 30 day evaluation and play with these packages. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or would like an on-line or on-site (Great NW Area) presentation. ZW3D The Ultimate CAD ProgramDownload ZW3D Here Ironcad Four Functions that Increase CAD Productivity!! IronCAD vs Solidworks and the Pro/e Paradigm Download IronCAD Here Joe Brouwer 206-842-0360 Go to the link below for pricing and ordering information. ![]() |