Make sure you
read my companion article. The Death of the Draftsman
New related Article Ref: Can Engineering Survive without the Drafting Group? Update 11-9-17
Jobshoppers, virtually all draftsman, were the cream of the crop. We would walk on the job and if we weren't producing in a week we were sent packing, sometimes after travelling thousands of miles. Nope, I was never let go until the project was done. We reminisced over the old days. He is in a lead position (no degree) at Lockheed Martin working with Creo. I started talking CAD and he had no clue. Made me realize that CAD is not the first thing on many CAD users mind. No wonder 3D CAD software hasn't advanced in decades. The Death of the Draftsman! With the introduction of MBD (Model Based Definition) Boeing was convinced, since it didn’t need drawings any more, it didn’t need draftsman. The Drafting group was dissolved along with the Document Control group probably on the recommendation by Dassault that their PLM system based on Catia 5 could replace and manage the complete engineering system. The draftsman, now called engineering tech, is being replaced with the degreed engineer whose job now includes many more hats, CAD designer, engineer, detailer, data manager, etc. The "Draftsmen" are being allowed to disappear through attrition. You can see that the basic job of creating documentation for manufacturing has taken a very complex turn. I wonder if the young engineering student knows what is going to be expected of him or her. As a Boeing trained draftsman I was shocked. Knowing
the responsibility of drafting group. There really is no job description of an Engineering Tech.
The community colleges are still offering drafting class.
I was up in arms, no group of engineers, could or
should do this job. Drafting had no spokesman. Draftsmen do not have 4 year degrees from a college or university and had no power as compared to engineering management or the much more powerful, BCS (Boeing Computer Services), who is now in charge of the all mighty PLM. They were a pain in the past, I can only imagine the arrogant power they wield today. Most drafters are hourly employee’s one step above a blue collar worker. Their education was basically a 2 year AA degree from a community college. Mine was a condensed drafting training program run by Boeing and sponsored by the federal government. Ref: My First 17 Years or "How did we do it without 3D CAD!" Here is a quote from an associate on Linkedin that describes what is happening in engineering clearly:
"Hm... Can anyone show a better example of what happens when an
apprentice based profession is dumped into 'formal education' format,
without any sort of a transition plan? Sure, the allure of cutting costs is
appealing to those that view the world a 'fiscal quarter at a time' - but
for those that have committed to a company by way of bonds or other long
term commitments - it can be terrifying.
I have to add to Matthews statement that the introduction of the 3D model, as the basis for our design, has changed the process completely. Eliminating the the manual drawing or layout in the beginning, and now using 3D CAD has made design a single step with the documentation created at the end instead of at the beginning of the process, being performed by a single designer. The skills of the designer with the orthographic drawing or layout are not needed and I had to face the cold hard facts: The Draftsman is not needed.
Drafting "The systematic representation and dimensional specification of mechanical and architectural structures" As you can see the above description can include 3D
design, I will get into that later. Drafting is an ancient art. Dating back centuries. What is a Draftsman?
Prior to 3D CAD we made drawings. Yes, we can create
what are called 2D drawings today by creating views or instances of the 3D
model and adding dimensions and annotation. These are not drawings, they are
what I call the AID (Associated Information Document). Yes there is the Autocad
electronic drawing, but they are handled like paper drawings. What is a drawing? A drawing is a document that describes the part/assembly in an orthographically projected format. These were the reason draftsman were here. They were time consuming and an engineer’s time was much more valuable than doing grunt design and detailing. This document was used to
convey the information to manufacturing. It was in a standard format that
was developed over centuries. All who worked with drawings were trained in
reading the drawing. When done correctly it stood alone without a need
for any additional information, explanation or clarity.
There was also a standard procedure for handling the
drawings. The draftsman would work with an engineer or designer or develop
the design himself/herself. He/she would actually do the design with an
assembly layout
(a drawing with no set standards) then do the part drawings or give the
layout to other draftsmen to create the part drawings. The layout included
all the design intent for the correct dimensioning and tolerancing of the
part. The drawings had to
be detailed to meet a certain standard. Even though the draftsman may have
had decades of experience it still had to be checked. What is the Checker? The checker was an experienced draftsman whose only
purpose was to check the drawing. He/she would mark every dimension and note
with a red or yellow marker. Nothing was not marked. When the checking
process was done it was given back to the original draftsman to do the
corrections. The draftsman learned from every job. Soon he/she
became very knowledgeable in the standards of their industry.
They became the designers of the products. Every large manufacturing company
had a drafting group. Even though the drafting group was part of engineering
it was basically separate with its own responsibilities.
What was the drafting group? The drafting group was only composed of draftsman. Sometimes a large company, like Boeing, would place the new engineers in the drafting group for a year to get an understanding of the industry standards. Drafting was all about standards. The drafting group was responsible for creating the drawings and making sure they were correct and met universal industry and company standards. Much of the design was done by a one or a few draftsmen under the supervision of a lead engineer. Drafting was responsible for releasing completely defined and checked drawings to manufacturing. This was a standard process that may be composed of many drawings that made up the assembly. The drawing was taken around for review and approval by specific engineering groups, such as manufacturing, materials and stress analysis. The title block had all of the basic information of the drawing. The drawing name and number and space for approval signatures. It also included UOS (Unless otherwise specified) information, such as tolerancing, view orientation and used on. When the title block was signed off the engineering was complete and it was delivered to Document Control who created the blue prints and delivered it to the relevant groups, like purchasing, manufacturing or out to suppliers for bids plus the blueprint centers for easy access. Then the originals were stored in vaults. Yes, actual vaults. What is Document Control? It was basically an admin group that would take the
released drawing bundle record and create the prints, as blue prints or microfiche and
deliver to the appropriate areas making the available to all of the other
relevant departments such as purchasing, tech pubs, manufacturing, planning and other engineering
groups. A What is purchasing? Purchasing is the department that would deliver the
drawings to manufacturing, in-house or outside suppliers for quotes.
Purchasing would keep track of the revisions and where the parts were used.
The drawings would include used-on information. For example, Boeing would
have the different effectivities (blocks of airplanes) for the different
assemblies used. Many times one drawing would have many different
configurations for the different airplanes defined as dash numbers. What is manufacturing? I know this seems like a silly question, but as I read articles from the MSME and PHDs that are so called PLM experts thinking they know how all of this works, it is very apparent to an experienced Draftsman they have no clue. They sit in some ivory tower and just imagine how it should work. None have ever created a design or a parts list and probably never poured over a drawing seeing how the parts are made. I chuckle how they use BOM (Bill of Materials) never knowing that was basically an architectural term. I never saw it until working with Autocad, and now it seems to be part of the lexicon of industrial/mechanical engineering. Sadly the PLM folks are trying to expand their sphere of influence into manufacturing. But luckily there is much more common sense in manufacturing and they will not fall for their failed solutions. Manufacturing "has" to deliver or they don't get paid. Ref: The Secret of Part Numbers
Ref: Engineering Documentation - A Primer for the PLM Guru! Manufacturing takes the drawing and creates
the parts. When the parts are made they are inspected to the drawing and
delivered for assembly. Manufacturing
is not part of engineering or drafting. Once they get the drawings they
usually put them in a different format to use in different processes.
Many companies have planning groups that manage the manufacturing process. At assembly, engineering may or may not supervise the
process assuring that the assembly meets the functionality of the design.
After that engineering will step out of the picture unless there are
“Problems”!! Sometimes engineering is not present at assembly.
Imagine an aircraft assembly line. The plane starts down this line. There is
a part that doesn’t fit or the assembly instructions are vague. They have a
liaison engineer that instantly handles the problem with a temporary fix.
Nothing can hold up the assembly line. He/she will write up a rejection tag
describing the problem and the fix. This rejection tag is sent to the
responsible group. What is a revision? The responsible group gets the rejection tag and
assigned it to a draftsman. Why a draftsman? The drafting group is the most
familiar with the design and documentation of the product. The draftsman
investigates the problem and working with the lead engineer and creates a fix. How are revision handled? The original drawing can be difficult to change every time there
is a small error and is very time consuming. Engineering needs a fast way
to communicate the correction to manufacturing. Manufacturing is happily
creating what may be incorrect parts, thereby wasting time and material. It
is very important to get that change to them as soon as possible.
Many times manufacturing was
notified to stop making the parts. What is an ADCN? Advanced Drawing Change Notice. This was a document
created on 8.5 x 11 sheets describing the fix and stapled on or added to the
prints. They were released to Document Control and handled like initial
released parts. What is the DCN? Drawing Change Notice. This was when the original
drawing has to be changed. Sometimes the correction is too large to define
as an ADCN. Also it maybe done just to incorporate the outstanding ADCNs when
times were slow. Drawings were stored in vaults, yes real vaults. You would
go to the vault and check out the original drawing.
Again a DCN is released the same as the initial release to Document
Control. All of the above process were done by Drafting.
Engineer were never involved in this process except for the review and
approval of the change. They felt assured that the drawings were done
correctly since it was not their responsibility and they trusted drafting. That is drafting in a nutshell. Enter 3D CAD!
I was introduce to 3D CAD in 1982 with Computervision
CADDS 4. 3D CAD was in the realm of the draftsman. Engineers did not have time
to learn 3D CAD. Draftsmen continued to do the design and creating drawings.
But we did not create drawings we created what I have coined AID (Associated
Information Documents). Yes they looked like The product of the 3D CAD system in those days was the AID delivered as a print. It wasn't until the late 1980's that the 3D model was being widely used as a pattern for manufacturing. But a completely detailed AID now traveled with the model as a print until the introduction of the PDF.
On a drawing you design by "drawing" separate
orthographic project views on a 2D plane. I even hate to use the 2D
reference, since it is so obviously redundant. We did the manual drawings on a drafting
board, calling it a 2D drafting board would be just silly. If
you could read a drawing you could see the real world 3D part. Today, I have
been told of millennial engineers that need an Isometric view just to understand the part. For years 3D CAD was in the realm of the draftsman. I
would like to say that when Pro/engineer showed up in 1988, that was the time the
engineers started using 3D CAD. But it wasn’t so. While on contract at Solar
Turbines in 1985 they let all of the 3D CAD draftsman go. They told the engineers
that they had to get trained on Computervision CADDS 4X. They balked but
Solar management said “Get on the CAD system or you are fired”. I was the
last of the contractors left and trained the engineers. They became very
good users when they finally put their minds to it.
I was introduced to PC based 3D CADKEY while on
contract at Boeing 747 Flight Deck. I was told there was a PC based 3D CAD
system on a couple of Compaq’s. It sparked my interest since I was working
on the board. CADKEY was 3D wireframe and very similar to Computervison.
I was up to speed in 2 weeks of lunch hours and convinced the supervisor to
start a test project We designed the first observer’s station, passing
3D wireframe graphics back and forth to Catia 3 using IGES. We would get the
station loft lines from Catia to do our design.
I saw the writing on the wall. Computervision cost
$250,000 per seat with a minimum system consisting of 3 Seats. CADKEY with a
PC, 19” Monitor was around $9000. The only difference between both Catia and
Computervision and CADKEY was a bit of rudimentary surfacing. Which was soon
included in CADKEY. I founded TECH-NET, quickly becoming a CADKEY dealer and proceeded to supply not only
Boeing but all of their suppliers in the NW. I think because of Boeing the
NW quickly adopted 3D CAD, mostly bypassing the Autocad electronic drawing horror show.
Enter PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) & MBE (Model Based Enterprise) Things were going well. Boeing was supplying 3D
models and complete AIDs (drawings) as prints from their Catia 4 system to theirs
suppliers. Then the suppliers started calling me telling me
that Boeing was not supplying prints any more. They were delivering
something called a PMI (Product Manufacturing Information). This was what
could only be called a 3D drawing with the dimensions done in a 3D space on
different planes. It was a mess and could only be read by a Catia 5 station
or some expensive Dassault provided viewer. The suppliers were up in arms,
they did not want to spend money on software that Boeing demanded they have
to view the parts. They went from an easy to duplicate drawing to an
electronic mess. Soon Boeing was demanding, or I should say, suggesting, that
the supplier also get a 3D party validation program to make sure the solid
models were the same, basically comparing apples to apples. It was and still
is a horror show.
MBD (Model Based Definition) or MBE (Model Based Enterprise) demands that the solid model be the authorizing document. Let's go back to the earlier description of the error on the assembly line. What does the liaison engineer do today. Does he have to get to the original part in Catia? Does he dare to make any changes? Of course not. There are no drawings to mark up. How does he get the problem defined and corrected and sent to the responsible group. The rejections tags were all done on sketches tracing the affected views on 8.5 x 11 sheets. I do not know how it is handled today. Okay, let's say the error is delivered to the responsible group. They have to change the model directly. The Catia 5 system, basically a Pro/e clone, is not conducive to change even when done by the original designer, with the turnover of personnel, especially engineers, it will probably go to another engineer. Depending on the complexity of the part and the experience of the original and the new designer this can become a horror show. Ref: Is 3D CAD Productivity an Oxymoron?
Ref: The Worst to
Best CAD System and Why! I was at a seminar and they had a Boeing rep explaining the MBE process. I asked him how liaison was handling the problems on the assembly line. He said "Oh, yes, we are looking into that." I realize at that moment that the MBE decision was not thought through. I guarantee this concept can only work in a very tightly controlled design environment where all design and manufacturing is done in-house or with a very few select suppliers. Ref: Next Generation CAD Technology Applied! The model has to be completely reviewed to assure that it only reflects the current change. This is a hugely time consuming process as compared to the ADCN. But MBE has made it a requirement that the supplier can not modify the model. It is strange that in the past manufacturing was trusted with only the drawing to make correct parts. What makes anyone think the solid model is some sacred object? Now I have seen this rule being violated for the sake of time. Manufacturing is all about correct parts and schedules. The engineering is now more of a problem than a solution. I am an active member of Linkedin and saw this discussion: Engineers as Draftsman, my how times have changed... Kevin Willey CIO at I4See At one time, engineers considered producing drawings
as a job that was for the worker bees. Almost as if the labor was beneath them, probably for
good reason since a company could hire several draftsman for the price of
one engineer. Then along came Cad. The idea was to make the drawing
faster and increase the number of project completed over any given time
period. Someone got the idea that all those draftsman could
be replaced by the engineer doing their own drawings. So today, an engineer spends a disparate amount of
time doing the work formerly done by a draftsman and far less actually
engineering. Think about the work for a second, near 90% of the
drawing is cookie cutter work. This requires five years of university? Once
it only took two years of college. Now consider that the new engineer, when entering a
company has to be trained on whichever software that company uses. One has to wonder who is doing the cost/benefit
analysis on this and what color the sky is in their world. My, my, how times have changed... It was an article I could have written. I was surprised that someone else saw this happening. I was the first to comment, this was posted over 3 years ago and has 8628 comments. I was actively posting about the waste it was to have engineers do form, fit and function design. Many engineers joined the discussion. All were 3D CAD experts. They all claimed to be able to create fully dimension AIDs (Model based drawings). Surprisingly besides the BSME’s, there were two P.E.s and one MSME. You rarely saw a P.E. show up in the drafting rooms of the past. When they did they walked on water. I never saw or met one MSME in my career. So today with these Engineers touting their design and
detailing skills. What chance does the poor draftsman have?
But Slowly, my viewpoint started changing. How do we design today? 3D CAD is the today's tool of engineering. All design is done on CAD. We don’t design by drawing separate orthographic views anymore. We design 3D parts directly. It is very simple and easy to do once you learn the CAD system. This is really 3D drafting. It serves the exact same purpose of the process we did in the past. We have the same design challenges, nothing has changed. We still have to put screws in holes and make sure they will fit. Nothing has changed except a degreed engineer is now doing it. They will now design non-critical products not using any of their engineering skills. They will be low end designers, known in the past as the "draftsman". Sadly, they will not know any better. But the engineering management path, that many young engineers dream of, has just become much more narrow. The engineers I have talked to seem to be happy to do
the simple grunt work of form, fit and function design that was left to the
draftsman in the past. But this type of design is not taught in college. I
wonder if there will be a smooth process of learning this on the job as it
was done in the past with the draftsman. I
am not even sure that CAD is taught in college yet today. It will be in the future as
soon as the type of CAD system becomes irrelevant.
Ref: Universal CAD Compatibility is "not" Here!
Many have tried to keep the draftsman in the loop. By
creating parts and giving them to draftsmen to detail. I have laughed many
time when an engineer complains about the drawing not being done correctly
without giving the draftsman the complete assembly. In the past we would
give prints of the design layouts to the draftsman for detailing, so they
could see the relationships of the parts. It is the draftsman fault for
accepting this limited amount of information. If the engineers are willing to do this type of
design then more power to him/her. But if they are going to take
responsibility for it, the
system has to change. All of the standard processes that used to be the
responsibility of drafting have to be re-implemented. Today the engineers are
doing peer checking. This is a very weak process. You need a experienced
engineer dedicated to the checking process. Murphy’s law sits on all of our
shoulders. We will have levels of engineers where their designs
and documentation will be reviewed by other engineers. Are egos going to get
in the way? The manufacturing, material and stress engineer are also going
to have their input. I just wonder how this is all going to work out. The
draftsman was a worker bee and, yes, many times spoke up when he/she saw a
bad decision, but mostly went along with the program. Part of a draftsman’s
job was to make an engineer and engineering look good. Many times we carried
a young engineer. Draftsmen virtually had no path to management, that was
the reason contract engineering (jobshopping) was a great option for the skilled draftsman. We would
watch the politics played by the engineers and shake our head and get back
to work. "I do agree there is no place for the draftsman in today’s engineering design process. There will be no non-degreed engineers as in the past. Engineering is going through a transition and the draftsman’s viewpoint, which was the glue that held engineering together, is not there to help mold it. This truly is the cause of the chaotic state of engineering today." Today engineering is managed by PLM and its ugly step
child, MBE. To the PLM expert, data management is engineering's
priority one problem. The high end CAD programs do not push their design
prowess. That technology is available at a much lower costs today. So what
makes them more valuable? Ah, yes, PLM, which is nothing more than data
management, created by the convoluted minds of the PLM suppliers. Document Control was a very simple system managed by inexpensive admin people. One day the companies will realize engineering documentation is not live data and the faster it gets archived and easily accessed the better. Sending the PLM and Infotech gurus packing. MBD (Model Based Definition) seems to be pushed by
inspection, where GD&T is their religion. They are trying to minimize the engineering documentation in the
form of PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) delivering what you can only
call a 3D drawing. It truly is the worst attempt to deliver complete
information to manufacturing. Sadly, there are no draftsman there to protest
and engineers seem to be oblivious to the lack of continuity in this
There is now a new engineering discipline: The Dimensional Engineer Even the minimized GD&T is too much for today's millennial 3D CAD engineer. So now they look to a Dimensional Engineer to review the parts. They seem to be a catch all position, combining designer, draftsman and checker. I am not sure where they are placed. Maybe between completed engineering and release? Boeing now has a Producibiity Group that reviews the completed engineering, I wonder how that is working out? You can see it is incredibly chaotic.
Boeing bought this concept hook line and sinker and
it has been a horror show requiring Band-Aid after Band-Aid trying to make
it work. Today there is no standard deliverable that can be
given to manufacturing that equals the simplicity of a standard drawing.
Manufacturing has to jump through many differently defined hoops for each
large customer and their customized PLM system trying to complexly automate
some very simple steps. From a simple but very complete drawing that takes no
special software to view and understand, to requiring incredibly complex CAD programs
and viewers just to view the design. We now have integrated or 3rd party
PLM and PDM data management programs that are managed inside engineering,
MBE's complex idiosyncratic requirements, defined by groups outside
engineering and 3rd party validation programs that basically compare
apples to apples. It truly is a mess. Can engineering get back to a standard
process equal to what was done in the past? There are many vested interests that would suffer
if any effort to do this was attempted. Is there even the applicable knowledge of the past
process to understand what needs to be done? CAD has been here for over 30
years. How can we expect them to design a system that would equal a standard
system that was developed over centuries? Now the smaller companies have not fallen for this
PLM/MBE fiasco and never will. This process is very costly requiring expense
software solutions and specific expertise to maintain it. The solid model and a complete
AID (model based drawing) is the
deliverable that is necessary for completed engineering to be delivered to
manufacturing. I believe engineering should again take charge. I believe
that a completely dimensioned drawing not only adds clarity but
gives the designer a second look at the design to find errors or even a
better design. I always find some error
when I completely detail my parts and I have over 50 years experience, what
chance does a young engineer have? A comment from a MSME P.E in my article "Why MBE, MBD and PMI Will Fail" "The big problem is, any failure will be blamed on the responsible engineers and not an unworkable system. MBE is already being backstopped by drawings in many organizations that are forced to use MBE, but the drawings are frequently not in the release control process because they are not the "primary" data driving fabrication. A fine mess..." The standard deliverable from engineering should not be a native file. It should be a PDF that includes the solid model and an AID (model based drawing) or other necessary documentation that is written directly from the CAD system in a standard format defined by the industry. Today most programs deliver a 3D PDF. What would it take to have Adobe create this format? Most of it has already been done!! This is just all too simple. Ref: The Embedded Title Block! A PLM Solution! Ref: Standard Cloud Based Engineering Document Control
Please remember, the only thing that CAD added was
the 3D model. How can we now be in such a convoluted mess? Yes, the death of the draftsman left a hole that may take a century to fill. "Hi Joe,
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Joe Brouwer
206-842-0360 |